Use electricity wisely

The new Vattenfall app helps you use electricity wisely. With the information from the app, you can monitor the price of electricity, optimise your consumption, and view bills and the details of your electricity contract. You can download the Vattenfall app from app stores:


Key functions


Monitor your consumption

The app lets you easily monitor the electricity consumption of your home at the hourly, daily and monthly levels. You can compare consumption with the previous year and concretely see the impact that different saving measures implemented at home have on electricity consumption.

seuraa sähkönkulutusta -ikoni

Monitor the price of electricity

If you have a power exchange electricity contract, you can monitor the price of electricity and optimise your consumption with hourly spot prices. You can check the prices for today and tomorrow in the app, and achieve considerable savings in your electricity bill.


Manage your customer account

With the Vattenfall app, you can find all details about your contract easily in one place. You can view bills, see the price information for your electricity contract and check the properties of your contract.

Person uses the app

How do I log into the app?

Bank credentials are used for logging in. You stay logged in for 90 days, as long as the application is always connected to the network.

screenshot of the application

Who is the app for?

The application can be used by all private customers, regardless of their electricity contract. Business customers are currently unable to use the app. Using the app is free of charge.

Questions and answers concerning the app

Open the answers by tapping on the question
What information is displayed in the app?

You can view electricity consumption statistics, the current electricity prices and billing data. You can also check your user and place of use details.

If you have a power exchange electricity contract based on hourly prices, you can also monitor hourly consumption. If you have a fixed price or variable price electricity contract with monthly metering, you can monitor monthly consumption.

Who can download the app?

All Android or iPhone users. The app requires the iOS 15 or Android 8 operating system or newer. Please note that the application does not work in your computer's browser or with tablet.

How do I log in to the app?

The login uses online banking credentials. Only the person indicated on the electricity contract can log in with their online banking credentials. You will remain logged in for 90 days, provided that the app has a network connection all the time. You can log into the app after your contract has started.

I have an hourly based electricity contract. What can I do with the app?

You can see the current and future hourly rates in the app. You can track your electricity consumption and price by the hour. The app helps you to time your consumption to when electricity is cheapest. 

You can see in the app:
- Your own price (including energy price, VAT and margin)
- Hourly prices on the Nord Pool electricity exchange today and tomorrow 
- Price data in kilowatts and euros

I have a fixed price electricity contract. What can I do with the app?

You can monitor electricity consumption on a monthly basis and compare it with earlier periods. You can view key billing data and compare costs over time. 

How often is consumption data updated?

Consumption data comes from electricity grid companies to Datahub, and through that to Vattenfall. The delay in consumption data is 1 or 2 days, depending on your network company. Consumption data can also be displayed in the application during the same day.


 Nordpool hourly prices are updated daily at two o'clock.

Can I change my electricity contract or sign a new contract in the app?

You cannot change your electricity contract or sign a new one in the app. 

- You can change your electricity contract on our website
- You can sign a new contract here.
- Our customer service can also help you with your contract

Can I see my electricity bill in the app?

Yes. You can easily compare invoices on a monthly basis. The application also tells you whether the invoice has been paid or is open.


I have several electricity contracts with Vattenfall. Can I view information about multiple electricity contracts in the app?

Yes. If you have more than one electricity contract with us, you can see the details of all your contracts in the app.

If you want to view the details of another contract, do this: 
There is a drop-down menu at the top of each tab. Select the contract you want to view information about from the drop-down menu.


I'm producing electricity. Can I see my electricity production in the app?

At the moment, you can't see your own electricity production from the application. You can monitor hourly electricity consumption and electricity production as well as energy prices in Oma energia -service.


What should I do if the app does not work?

Check your Internet connection. If the app still does not work, try again after a short while.

Can several people log in to the same account?

Only the person indicated on the electricity contract can log in to the app, which is done using online banking credentials.

Can I see the electricity network company's information in the application?

You can see the name of your electricity network company in the application, but there's no other information available about the network company.


I am not a Vattenfall customer, but I would like to test the app. Is that possible?

Yes. There is a demo version of the application that can be used without logging in. In the demo, you can see the imaginary consumption and price information of the exchange electricity contract.